Thursday, April 16, 2009


Life has been an endless quake...
Fake faces of a ferocious rake...

Nothing’s there to give or take...
Every act just one mistake...

Life is broken full of joints...
I remember all the points...

Every joint was malignant...
Every point was indignant...

Life has been a burning breath...
Since birth installments of death...

Everywhere searching the one...
Seeking the oasis, constant run...

Always running behind rainbows...
Ever chasing different shadows...

Life has been a pyre aflame...
What to make out of this game...

Where isn’t a card in hand...
In cyclone one does stand...

A roller coaster ride as such...
Give you shocks all things you touch...

The final result still in haze...
What is the essence of all this craze...

Life has been the essence of craze...
Can’t get it while it stays...

All its gifts are akin to sand...
Everything slips out of hand...

Before you can even hold...
Unleashes hell as does unfold...

Life has been an stormy tide...
One long attempt of Suicide...
-- Rishiraj

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