Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Nothing’s great in this story...
No princess... and no prince...
No king, no queen, and no epic...
No virtues and no sins.

This story of me and you...
It is nothing but all plain.
Like others we feel our love is great...
And our pain the only pain.

No great things we talk about...
No great feats we ever do,
No great books we’ve ever read...
And our ideas are but few.

Our films together are all banal...
Nothing deep and great...
Our series are all very different,
But still we narrate.

My verses are mediocre...
And you don’t even write.
As I speak of my childish aims...
You... of your dream last night.

We move in the same direction...
We fall, yet again we try...
And we slowly walk together...
As others pass us by.

There’s nothing great in our story,
And it may get over in a while...
But till then we sit on plastic chairs...
As we share a true smile.