No Ma'am, I am not the music you like...
Imagine yourself lost in a burning desert.
Imagine the winds slamming...
against all the nothingness of the desert...
And you covering yourself in your garb
trying to make some sense of the dunes...
Dunes that change places
as winds change their paces...
And in that moment you hear a great thunder.
A thunder that means death in the sands...
You hear the sound of many waters,
you see the lightning's bolt
blazing like some ancient sword...
That moment is me. That sound is me.
I am not the music that you like.
Imagine yourself lost in a burning desert.
Imagine the winds slamming...
against all the nothingness of the desert...
And you covering yourself in your garb
trying to make some sense of the dunes...
Dunes that change places
as winds change their paces...
And in that moment you hear a great thunder.
A thunder that means death in the sands...
You hear the sound of many waters,
you see the lightning's bolt
blazing like some ancient sword...
That moment is me. That sound is me.
I am not the music that you like.