Miracles? Do you believe?
I have a tradition of millions of years
A knowledge accumulated by my kind
A long history to reflect upon
A developed science to analyze
I have an intelligence unsurpassed
I have a vision so profound
I hear clearly every sound
All events I have witnessed
I possess the whole energy…
All sources I have harnessed
I am incomparable in every sense
You can’t doubt my intelligence
And with this background, dear friend
I say unto you:
I haven’t seen anything yet
That can’t be defined in my terms
There’s nothing that has made me wonder
More than a while, if ever at all!
Hence, I laugh on your question
And maintain
That Nothing is there
Nor has been
That can be called
A miracle
Response to the answer:
I don’t know much
But at times I wonder
That the tradition of millennia that you have
The knowledge accumulated throughout the epochs
The long history of your expansion
Your scientific mind and calculations
Your intelligence indeed sharp
Your profound vision, your sound precision
Might be an obstacle, might be a curtain
That doesn’t let you perceive things
That doesn’t let you be direct
That doesn’t let you take a look
Without conclusions beforehand
And veils your vision till the end
Because everything I notice here
For example Sun, for example Earth
For example death, for example birth
For example night, for example day
The way the cosmic rhythms play
All that’s far and all that’s near
The stars at night, the moon so bright
An object that even doesn’t have light
The trees around me singing in rain
Some form of life crying in pain
The whole universe that I see
And the pure subjectivity that is me
What’s all this? If not a miracle…
The galaxies running away from themselves
The countless bodies that are there
So many planets yet unknown
And only one of them that harbors life
Or at least the only one that is known
And a being laughing on my question
On whom the whole universe laughs
The beauty of life and its insignificance
The indifference of the existence
All this seems magic to me!
My questioning you, and your answer
Our perception of each other
Our history, our science
Our intelligence that knows few limits
These all seem miracles to me
Hence, Yes! I do believe in them